Sunday, September 23, 2012

Me-er Than Me

My first blog.  My first 'post'. goes! 

I have some friends who blog and I always enjoy and admire their ability to put thoughts into words, and who are then brave enough to share them with others. I must admit that once or twice I have entertained the very dreamy and unrealistic fantasy of becoming an renowned authoress; and with both of my Grandmothers having had written and published a book, I daresay a creative gene or two could be floating around in my body.  I suppose this might be somewhat of an experiment- a chance to discover more about myself, a creative outlet and a chance to share my ramblings with anyone who will listen. 

So I read a page about how to create a blog. It said to start by figuring out your theme.  It said that people don't like to read about anything and everything, so find your passion and write about that. My passion! HOW do I create a theme when there is just SO MUCH to be passionate about?! I could never choose one single passion or focus for my life. I am a very passionate person. Gosh, I'd even go so far as to say I'm passionate about being passionate!! I am the kind of person who becomes 'involved'. Sometimes too deeply, and too often and in too many things, but that's who I am.  I've decided to embrace it. I am passionate about family, mothering, teaching, music, children, crafting, my church, good food, learning, and 'making a difference'.  Sometimes I flit between passions, and sometimes I am about all of them at once. Whichever it is, I am whole-heartedly, enthusiastically and genuinely 'in'.  I once taught a little boy who loved everything. If a student mentioned their toy racing cars he would chime in, 'Oh I love those!'  If someone spoke about their dog, 'Oh I love dogs!'  Their Dad, 'Oh I love my Dad!'  The apple in a lunchbox, 'Oh I love apples!'  You had it/liked it/saw it/thought of it? He LOVED it! I can totally understand where he is coming from. There are just too many good things in life to not to love them all!

The skeptical looks and expressions of 'here she goes again' and 'how long do you think this phase will last?' that come when I pull out the crochet hook, the running shoes, the iPad to blog; don't bother me anymore. This is me! This is what I do! And I've decided to like it and own it.  No one alive is me-er than me. And no one alive is you-er than you.  Yes, I have most certainly paraphrased Dr Suess'  beautiful, simple and perfect words. I mean really, that guy had it all figured out.

So there it is. If you are one of those people the man wrote about in the 'How To' who don't like to read about anything and everything, this blog probably isn't for you. I may not have a theme all about gardening, or parenting, or cooking...but I intend to create a journal of sorts.   If nothing else but for myself to be able to reflect, to recognise, to remember and to relish.

Recently a young woman of love, courage, hope, faith and beauty (inside and out) entered my life.  In less than two years she left an impact; a gift; a blessing  that will stay with me for the rest of my life.  A little over a week ago she left this earthly home to join our Heavenly Father. She will forever be remembered by her husband and three gorgeous children, her family, and many friends.  Her body had succumbed to a long, brave battle against breast cancer. Many would say ' a life cut short'. But as a dear friend articulated so beautifully, she was as a rose who had reached 'full bloom'. That spectacular moment when the petals have grown and opened to their absolute potential. To release the utter and extraordinary beauty of its truest colour, of its fullest and sweetest fragrance. To be given. To be accepted. To be cherished.  Sooner or later, our petals will fall.  All I know is that I want to spend my 'time' reaching full bloom.  And if that's not as good a 'theme' as any, I don't know what is.

A bit deep for a first post of a first blog? Probably. But I did tell you, I'm a very passionate person!

So tell me...what's your passion, smashin'?


  1. Hi Cait,
    What beautiful way to describe our dear friend who has past last week and is with Jesus now - A ROSE... I am very passionate person as well, I am very passionate in following Jesus daily and I am not perfect I do fall, all I know that God loves me more because of my weaknesses. I also have a blog I haven't written for awhile maybe you could read sometime

    1. Thanks Darleen! It was Renee's analogy really, it just meant a lot to me and got me thinking. I will check out your blog, for sure! Thanks for leaving a comment!

  2. Theme shmeme! Most of the blogs i follow don't have a theme. Love your first post Cait. I so hear you on the passionate about everything. When i am back on a computer i will become a follower

    1. Thanks Angie! I worked out how to follow you too...getting the hang of this slowly.

  3. Good blog. Keep them coming.........;-)

    1. I will Muppi. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

  4. Yay Cait. I love it. Good on you. Look forward to reading more. XX

  5. Hi Cait. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, which led me here to yours :)

    I don't know why there's always someone out there telling people how to blog or what they should be doing....I don't agree at all. There shouldn't be a theme. A blog is your personal journal, your little corner, and you blog about everything and anything that you love, that's what makes it yours :)

    I am passionate about so many things in my life, too many to mention :)

    Hope you're having a great Saturday.

  6. Congrats on your new blog. I don't know about the experts idea's on blogging, just hope they don't stop by mine or I would fail!! Ha
